Together For A Reason

As humans we need companionship. We need another person or a group of people to share our lives with. We seek truth from them, we strive for adventures with them, and ultimately we yearn for acceptance and love from them. Humans are beautifully and wonderfully made in God’s own image. God did not make just man or just women. He knew that one could not thrive without the other, so he placed both of them on this earth to learn, live, and grow together.

Thinking about companionship as a whole made me question what my own definition of it is. I view companionship as an individual or group of individuals who rely on one another for needs that cannot be satisfied by their own self. With that idea stirring in my head another question arose; who are my companions? I thought about the people in my life right now and the ones that have left it. This thought sparked another question; why do people come in and out of your life?

Through time I have heard that we met people for a reason, either they are a blessing or a lesson. The blessing are those who will never leave your side, they will not be shaken or brought down by the seasons of life. These blessings have seen you at your worst and have been with you at your best, they will continue to comfort you and nurture you until your life has come to a rest. You are blessed by these people, because they will always love you with an unconditional unfailing love that uniquely bonds you together.

The lessons may not seem as important as the blessings, but these are the people that have shaped you into who you are today. They have taught you things you never would have learned if they did not enter into your life. These lessons strengthened your core beliefs, they helped you understand what you want out of life and who you want to be. These lessons gave you the ability to change for the better and swim free from the anchors of the past. Lessons should not be overlooked for they hold a special place in your heart. They will always be a reminder of where you have been and where you are heading.

Lessons can be blessings in disguise and blessings can evolve into lessons. So count your blessings now and feel blessed for the lessons you have encountered throughout your life.

“God doesn’t give you the people you want, He gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you the person you were meant to be.” 
